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Education and Training

October Education Office Hours

October Office Hours Q&A

DGIB Updates
Veteran Rapid Retraining Assistance Program (VRRAP) Updates SCO Annual Training Requirements
Dual Certification

Digital GI Bill Updates


What if there are multiple Veterans/Students that have the same first name, last name, and date of birth?


The Enrollment Manager will not use any SSNs. If two students exist within the Enrollment Manager and have the same name and birthdate, the SCO can review each of the students’ contact information and enrollments at previous schools. 


How will the SCO Hotline work without having the students VA file number?


The SCO Hotline will be able to look the student up by name to find their VA file number. If two students exist within the Enrollment Manager and have the same name and birthdate, the representative can review each of the students’ contact information and enrollments at previous schools.


During the add a student to a school video (video 3) the speaker mentioned that we could review the search results by date of birth, but the date of birth field did not appear in the video. It only showed first name, last name, and ID. Did I miss the Date of Birth (DOB) field?


After searching for the student, you can use the filter labels to sort by student name, date of birth, and benefit type.


What is the Student ID in the Enrollment Manager system? (School ID, Social Security number (SSN))


The Student ID field is the student's ID number at that school, if the school uses ID numbers.


Since there aren't any birthdates currently on VA Online Certification of Enrollment (VA-ONCE), will we be required to add this to the students we have in there now?


No, as long as the student has had past work products processed, their birth date will be included from the migration of Claimant Service data.


For the past 15 years, my school has only traced student registration by SSN, not by birthdate. How will we search the transferred data from VA-ONCE to the new system? I think SSN as a search option is critical.

We often have students who have not updated their address. Can you verify how we will be able to pull the student when there is no alternative PII in the search?

What do we do when the student's last name is not updated or correct with the VA. We often have students with name changes, and the only way we can validate the student in VA-ONCE is the SSN. Without it how will we be able to validate the student is new or not new if we don't have another factor other than first and last name and DOB to search?


Data from Claimant Service database will be imported into Enrollment Manager. All students with a previous claim history will have their first name, last name, and date of birth in the system. There are also triggers to check for a change of address within VA Profile/Corp DB, which will allow Claimant Service to update if a newer address is submitted by the student online or elsewhere in VA.


Why can we not search by student ID number in Enrollment Manager?

Do we have to fill in all the boxes when searching for a student?


Enrollment Manager will allow users to search for students using First Name, Last Name, and DOB. Student ID search is not required but the option is available.


Is there a space for the SCO to add a school ID number to the student’s account similar to VA-ONCE?




If a student does not currently exist in the VA system, can I still “Add Student” to associate them to the institution?


Yes, if a student is not found, Certifying Officials have the ability to add a new student to Enrollment Manager and Claimant Service. The Certifying Official will receive alert messages in Enrollment Manager to assist them with tracking the student’s enrollment(s) and checking their eligibility through the system.


There are no * required fields on the student’s bio page; what tells a SCO what fields are required? (First, middle, last name, etc.)


Enrollment Manager does have required fields and this will be indicated in red as (*Required).


Is it possible to get copies of the videos shown today on EM?


Yes, videos will be shared on the SCO Resources Page.


Will the transferred programs be those from VA-ONCE, or those from Web Enabled Approval Management System (WEAMS)?


The programs will be pre-populated with information from WEAMS.


Will existing students in VA-ONCE be imported into the new Enrollment Manager or do SCOs need to enter all of their existing students again?

How many years of data will be transferred to Enrollment Manager from VA-ONCE?


All data from 2015 forward will be migrated to Enrollment Manager. As an SCO, you are only required to retain data for 3 years after a student completed or left. VA has all information that was sent to us prior to 2015.


How will the new enrollment manager system affect the dual certification process?


SCOs will still be required to verify enrollment certifications in Enrollment Manager as done in VA-ONCE. Future system enhancements may include additional features for the dual certification process.


The Enrollment Manager training video showed the tuition being entered at the same time as the initial enrollment. Must tuition be submitted with the initial certification? Will we still be submitting DUAL ENROLLMENTS AND AMENDMENTS WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE LAST DAY TO DROP with Enrollment Manager?


SCOs will still be required to verify enrollment certifications in Enrollment Manager as done in VA-ONCE. Future system enhancements may include additional features for the dual certification process.


Are the CH 31 Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) students going to still be separate? Will we see any information for these students (ex: if the student is using this benefit?) Will we still submit the enrollments like usual for these students?


No, VR&E will continue to use Tungsten. Enrollments for VR&E will continue to be sent to the VR&E system for counselor review.


Will we have the ability to create a read only/2P account where VA work study staff and/or student employees can add students to enrollment manager?

Are you able to clarify in future trainings on how our VA Work Study students can access the new enrollment manager?

Will read only users have to request permission to be added to enrollment manager from the Education Liaison Representative (ELR) or will us as SCO’s be able to add read only users as we can currently?


SCOs will have the capability to add accounts. The Work Study will need to request access and the SCO will need to approve it. Assistant and read only access requests are submitted using the same method performed by Certifying Officials (after or authentication, navigate to VA Education Platform Portal, select either Request access or legacy VA-ONCE users and complete the applicable fields).


Will the notes added to enrollment be like the notes added in VA-ONCE? Will they prompt manual processing? What is the purpose of the note section if the notes do not get submitted with the enrollments? Will anyone be able to see these?


Notes will only exist as a log in Enrollment Manager to support SCO management of students and provide additional information for compliance surveys. They will not prompt manual processing.


Will Enrollment Manager have downloadable reports?


Enrollment Manager will have some reporting capabilities, but additional reporting capability will be expanded over time.


In Enrollment manager can you print out a sheet showing the information for the new semester like we can do in VA-ONCE?


Enrollment Manager will have the ability to print out Form 1999, 1999b, 6553c.


Will there be a difference between Amendment and Adjustments in Enrollment Manager? Previously, we had to submit amendments first and then adjustments.

Will we be able to amend certifications entered in VA-ONCE on the new system?


All changes made to an enrollment period after the initial Enrollment Certification is submitted will be called an “Amendment”, including adjustments and terminations.


Will we be able to change term dates for enrollment with Amendments?




How will the preset enrollment terms be selected when entering new enrollment?

Will the CO still create/add the standard terms (pre-set enrollment periods) or will this be auto-populated based on the approved calendar/terms?


Student’s Standard Terms are being imported and will now be called pre-set enrollments. Enrollment Manager will also have the capability to create pre-set enrollments.

Similar to the "Standard Terms" page in VA-ONCE, the Preset Enrollments page allows Certifying Officials to enter scheduled enrollment period information for subsequent use. When certifying an enrollment, Certifying Officials have the option to select an enrollment period from a drop-down containing the information entered into Preset Enrollments. The Begin Date, End Date, and Vacation Period (if applicable) fields on the enrollment are auto-populated with the values from the selected preset enrollment. This time-saving feature is primarily used for IHL and NCD programs measured in semester or quarter hours.


Can you enter multiple terms at one time?


Multiple Term Certifications will not be available in the first version of Enrollment Manager, this feature may be included as a future enhancement.


What is the actual date of Enrollment Manager?

If Enrollment Manager goes live at the beginning of January, we will be submitting our Spring 2023 final certifications in Enrollment Manager. The early certifications for Spring 2023 will have been submitted in VA-ONCE. Will this cause any issues?

Transition week cannot be during a heavy SCO reporting time - please think carefully when this week takes place.

Rolling this out during peak certification for spring is not good.

We will be midway through processing students in late January. Will we be required to switch to enrollment manager mid-processing?

Can SCOs process students for courses starting in January 2023 via VA-ONCE?


More information on the timeline for release of Enrollment Manager will be coming in soon. As all data will be migrated, please continue to submit all enrollments in VA-ONCE until told otherwise.


Is there a possibility that VA-ONCE will be down for more than a week leading up to the switch to Enrollment Manager?


As of now, the plan is for VA-ONCE to be down just one week.


How long will VA-ONCE be functional while we transition to EM?


During the VA-ONCE sunset, SCOs are to submit enrollments in VA-ONCE as usual, until they are told otherwise.


In VA-ONCE I have access to multiple Facilities across several states under one login. Will that also be possible with Enrollment Manager? Which state will I use to log in the first time?

If you have two facility codes, do you have to register both in Enrollment Manager?


SCOs will have access to the same Facility Codes in Enrollment Manager that they have access to in VA-ONCE.


Will we be able to submit 2nd certifications by batches or will it have to be done individually?

Where is the option to upload batch files? Individualized enrollments means manual data entry, which is time consuming and more likely to have errors.


Batch enrollments will not be available within the initial release of Enrollment Manager. Future enhancements will continue to be made to the system after its initial release.


Can you save data before submitting enrollment?


Yes, once enrollment information has been entered, the Certifying Official selects Submit Enrollment, Save as Draft, or Discard Edits.


The due date for Enrollment Management 100, 101, and 102 is January 16, will this be postponed since the launch date is?


Exact dates will be communicated when trainings are released and assigned.


For SCO’s that are unable to attend the November 15th Enrollment Manager training, will there be additional training before it goes live in January 2023?


There will be interactive self-paced trainings with software simulations allowing SCOs to practice key functions, live webinar trainings, a user guide, and demo videos available to help Certifying Officials familiarize themselves with Enrollment Manager before and after it goes live.


Will Enrollment Manager have a browser specification?


It is not browser specific.


Which enrollment certifications are required for SCOs to submit via Enrollment Manager? Instituion of Higher Learning (IHL), Non-College Degree (NCD), Apprenticeship APP), On-the-Job Training (OJT)?


SCOs will be required to submit IHL, NCD, OJT, APP, and Flight enrollments through Enrollment Manager.


Where do we go to sign up for Enrollment Manager? What is the web address?

How do students access Enrollment Manager?


The URL for the VA Education Platform Portal (where you will need to go to log in for the first time) is not available yet but stay tuned as information becomes available, it will be shared during Office Hours, over email, and through other resources shared on


Will the SCO handbook be updated with the information for on Enrollment Manager?




When entering tuition and fees, do we enter the sum with a decimal point, ie 1500.00?




How do we sign up for the Tip of the Week newsletter for Enrollment Manager?


A communication campaign has been designed to provide a tip of the week to users that will provide insight on helpful actions that will assist in the efficient navigation of Enrollment Manager. This will be shared thought emails and social media.


If there are multiple people that are certified SCO's within the school, do they each need to set up an account for the Enrollment Manager and will be able to access those who are enrolled by someone else in the same school?


All SCOs who are responsible for submitting GI Bill student information will need to create their own or account to access Enrollment Manager. Access cannot be shared by multiple users.


What procedure will need to be taken when a student graduates?


When a student graduates you will amend and terminate their enrollment with graduation as the amendment reason.


Will Enrollment Manager also have the feature that was in VA-ONCE where SCOs could click a box and a copy of the enrollment certification being submitted to VA was also sent to the student?


When enrollments are added, SCOs will get a high-level email regarding the data that is being added. Currently, emails will be automatically sent; in future releases SCOs will have the ability to toggle on/off email notifications.


Relying on ELR's for access is worrisome. Many ELR spots are vacant, and schools are having issues reaching their ELR. Has this been considered?


There will be an ability at the regional level to swap in and out a new ELR to be able to handle requests on a temporary basis. It will be done in regional groups and as long as you are in the group, you will be able to get access to Enrollment Manager.


Adding an enrollment: How do you add an enrollment for a Continuing Education student in a Hybrid course in Enrollment Manager?


As long as the user sets up the student, the user should be able to add those fields and calculate the student payment submitting an enrollment.


How is the VA handling SCO’s personal information such as their Social Security Number, as they may have to use this now to be able to submit certifications to the VA?

Answer: and are secure authentication methods that do not pass your SSN on to VA.


Do we have to access enrollment manager through every time? That system is always going down.


Enrollment Manager is located on a secure platform and is compatible with most internet browsers.


Do existing SCO’s have to create either an or account to access enrollment manager? Or is that old information and now, we can use the VA-ONCE log in button for existing SCOs?


All external users (SCOs) will need to create a or account to access Enrollment Manager. Existing SCOs with VA-ONCE credentials will be able to bypass requesting access from their ELR but will still need to log in with their or credentials.


Are there any pros or cons for using over VA & What is the difference between them, how do I know which one should choose to create?


You can visit VA Resources and Support which lists the differences between and


Can Foreign school sign up for


More information on how Foreign SCOs will use Enrollment Manager is forthcoming.


If you have an account for ASK VA, do you need to create a new account for the new system?


You should be able to use the same credentials.


When watching info on creating an account on, it says we have to give our driver’s license and SSN. Is this true and if so, why?


This is done to verify the user’s identity.


I have already signed up for, but my email has changed. Will I need to create a new account?

For an existing SCO that already has an account, but is associated to a personal email address, can you please share again how to go about creating an account to access Enrollment Manager?


You can use your existing account under whichever email address that is registered to, you do not need a separate account for Enrollment Manager with your institutional email address. In fact, you will be unable to create a second account since is used to linked to you as an individual and there is only one of you. You can find information on adding and changing your email address here: Changing your account email address – Help Center.


Are there videos for and/or for SCO to better understand the two platforms and what will be required of them to an account?


Stay tuned as more training resources are shared through Office Hours, SCO Resources Page, and email.

Veteran Rapid Retraining Assistance Program (VRRAP) Updates


Are VRRAP students allowed to sign placement waivers, stating they are not interested in employment? If they state this, how are colleges able to collect the final 25% of tuition payment?


We don’t know anything about “placement waivers”; however, colleges will not receive their final 25% tuition payment until/unless an employment certification is received. Colleges would be free to refuse to enroll a veteran in their programs if they have indicated “they are not interested in employment.”


For VRRAP, a student is entitled to a maximum of 50 weeks of benefits. If a student completes a 50-week program in 48 weeks, will he/she be still eligible to get the remaining 2 weeks of housing benefits?


Housing benefits will stop upon completion of the program.


Does VRRAP require dual certifications? (Enrollment Verification)


Dual Certification requirement is only for schools approved as Institutions of Higher Learning or Non-College Degree facilities. There are no changes to the current process for submitting enrollment certifications for On-the-job training, apprenticeship, flight, and correspondence training establishments.


My school recently got approved for VRRAP and I have 1 student who is interested. If the student is registered on 11/09/2022, but the training period doesn’t start until 01/17/2023, will the student be eligible for VRRAP?


The student must be actively enrolled in and attending an approved program prior to December 10, 2022; beyond this date is too late.  


Do we have the VRRAP statistics? Total enrollment? Funds left for students? There is a cap on each, how close is the VA to reaching those caps?


VA will not reach the caps before the program end date.


Are VRRAP program completion and graduation the same? Or are you considering program completion as in a student has dropped out of the program?


No, they’re not the same thing. For VRRAP Students, Certifying Officials must report if a student drops out of the program; SCOs must also report if the student completes or graduates the VRRAP Program.

Schools are required to report graduation or program completion information to VA. Once a student graduates from a degree program or completes a Non-College Degree program, you should submit a Notice of Change in Student Status. If the student is graduating from a degree program, “Graduation” should be selected as the termination reason. If the student is completing a Non-College Degree program, "End of Term or Course" should be selected as the termination reason. The last date of the term selected will be pre-populated as the date of termination. If subsequent terms were previously certified, VA-ONCE will prompt you to terminate those enrollments, or to leave them as previously certified. Ensure that the program information is accurate. Graduation should only be reported for students who graduated while using benefits.


The survey has 12/11 as the end date for VRRAP. I thought it was 12/10?


VRRAP will expire on December 10, 2022 (this date is on a Saturday).


For VRRAP what if a new program version has been approved by the State Approving Agency (SAA) but has not been updated in WEAMS by the VA, can students start prior to 12/10 and we back date the enrollment?


This is not advised, as VA could find an approval issue with the program, causing it to not be approved at all. Students are encouraged to start prior to 12/10/2022, especially if program approval by SAA is tentative; If the program is approved by SAA, please check with your ELR on the status of receipt and update of the program; the ELR is responsible for updating and ensuring the effective date is recorded in WEAMS.


If our GI Bill programs are approved for in-person residence training only but we have the ability to provide training online regardless of in-residence or non-residence, can this option be extended to VRRAP participants?


This appears to ask whether a school can enroll a VA student in a modality that is not approved; no, it cannot.

Dual Certification

More information coming soon.

SCO Annual Training Requirements

For questions about the SCO Annual Training requirements, please review these resources:

School Certifying Official Training FAQS - Education and Training (

School Certifying Official (SCO) Training - Education and Training (