Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33)
The Post-9/11 GI Bill (PGIB), or Chapter 33, helps you pay for school or cover expenses while you’re training for a job. If you’ve served on active duty after September 10, 2001, you may qualify for the Post-9/11 GI Bill. Find out if you can get this education benefit.
You may qualify for additional entitlement under the Rudisill decision
If you have 2 or more qualifying periods of active duty, you may now qualify for up to 48 months of entitlement. You must be eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill and the Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty (MGIB-AD).
Note: Even if you gave up your right to use MGIB-AD benefits in the past (we call this “relinquishing” your benefits), you may now qualify to use some of that entitlement.
Am I eligible for Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) benefits?
You may be eligible for education benefits if you meet at least one of these requirements.
At least one of these must be true:
- You served at least 90 days on active duty (either all at once or with breaks in service) on or after September 11, 2001, or
- You received a Purple Heart on or after September 11, 2001, and were honorably discharged after any amount of service, or
- You served for at least 30 continuous days (all at once, without a break in service) on or after September 11, 2001, and were honorably discharged with a service-connected disability, or
- You’re a dependent child using benefits transferred by a qualifying Veteran or service member
Note: If you’re a member of the Reserves who lost education benefits when the Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP) ended in November 2015, you may qualify to receive restored benefits under the Post-9/11 GI Bill.
Does VA consider some periods of service to be “non-qualifying”?
Yes. Some periods of service are non-qualifying. If you have non-qualifying service, it means that period of service doesn’t count toward your Post-9/11 GI Bill eligibility requirements.
We consider these periods of service to be non-qualifying:
- Your branch of service assigned you to a civilian school for classes that were the same in substance as classes offered to civilians, or
- You served as a cadet or midshipman at a service academy, or
- When you enlisted in the Army National Guard, Air National Guard, or Reserve, you received training according to section 12103(d) (initial skills and training) of title 10, or
- The Reserve called you to active duty under a section other than 688, 12301(a), 12301(d), 12301(g), 12301(h), 12302, 12304, 12304a, or 12304b of title 10 or section 3713 of title 14, or
- The President of the United States called you to full-time service in response to a national emergency that federal funds supported that wasn’t under section 502(f) of title 32, or
- You served full-time in the National Guard for a purpose other than to organize, administer, recruit, instruct, or train under section 502(f) of title 32
We also consider any period of service that counts toward one of these Department of Defense (DoD) programs to be non-qualifying:
- Loan Repayment Program (LRP)
- Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) Scholarship
- Service Academy Graduation
What if I’m eligible for more than 1 VA education benefit?
If you’re eligible, you may be able to use more than 1 education benefit depending on how many qualifying periods of active duty you’ve completed.
If you’ve completed 1 qualifying period of active duty
For a period of active duty that started on or after August 1, 2011
You can use only 1 education benefit. You’ll have to choose which education benefit you’d like to use. Once you make that choice, you give up the right to use the other benefit. You can use up to a maximum of 36 months of education benefits.
If you choose to use the Post-9/11 GI Bill, you can’t switch at a later date to use one of these other education benefits instead:
- Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty (MGIB-AD or Chapter 30)
- Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR or Chapter 1606)
Note: It’s also true that if you choose to use MGIB-AD or MGIB-SR, you can’t switch at a later date to use Post-9/11 Bill benefits.
If you decide to use Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits and you use up all your entitlement for that benefit, we’ll refund you part or all of the payments you made into MGIB-AD. The maximum amount you can get for a refund is $1,200.
Learn more about Montgomery GI Bill refunds
For a period of active duty that started before August 1, 2011
You can use MGIB-AD or MGIB-SR benefits and then switch to use Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits.
This is how your decision to switch affects your benefits:
- You give up the right to use your MGIB-AD or MGIB-SR benefits, and
- If you switch from using MGIB-AD to using Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits, you can use only your remaining entitlement from MGIB-AD when you start using Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits.
Example: If you have 6 months of MGIB-AD entitlement left when you switch, you’ll have 6 months of Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits to use.
You can’t switch from using Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits to using MGIB-AD or MGIB-SR. This is because when you choose to use Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits, you give up your right to use MGIB-AD and MGIB-SR.
If you’ve completed 2 or more qualifying periods of active duty
You may qualify for a maximum of 48 months of benefits if you’re eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill and MGIB-AD benefits.
Recent changes under the Rudisill decision
If you gave up MGIB-AD benefits when you switched to Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits, you may now qualify for up to 12 months of additional MGIB-AD benefits.
If you’re currently using MGIB-AD benefits and you switch to Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits, you’re no longer restricted to your remaining MGIB-AD entitlement.
Note: We consider any reenlistment a separate period of active duty. But an extension isn’t a separate period of active duty.
Learn more about how the Rudisill decision affects you
How to get additional entitlement if you’re eligible
If you last received an education claim decision on or after August 15, 2018, you don’t need to take any action. We will automatically review your entitlement and notify you if there are changes.
If you last received an education claim decision before August 15, 2018, you’ll need to submit a Request for Change of Program or Place of Training (VA Form 22-1995).
Request additional entitlement using VA Form 22-1995
When we receive your request, we will review your entitlement and notify you if there are changes.
Note: The online version of VA Form 22-1995 will prompt you with a question about whether your request is related to the Rudisill decision. Be sure to tell us if you’re requesting a Rudisill review.
What benefits can I get through the Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33)?
- Tuition and fees. If you qualify for the maximum benefit, we’ll cover the full cost of public, in-state tuition and fees. We cap the rates for private and foreign schools, and update those rates each year.
Check the current payment rates for the Post-9/11 GI Bill
Find out if you can get in-state tuition rates as an out-of-state student - Money for housing (if you’re in school more than half time). We’ll base your monthly housing allowance on the cost of living where your school is located.
- Money for books and supplies. You can receive up to the maximum stipend per school year.
- Money to help you move from a rural area to go to school. You may qualify for a one-time payment if you live in a county with 6 or fewer people per square mile and you’re either moving at least 500 miles to go to school or have no other option but to fly by plane to get to your school.
Find out how we determine your percentage of Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits
Do these benefits expire?
This depends on when you were discharged from active duty.
If your service ended before January 1, 2013, your Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) benefits will expire 15 years after your last separation date from active service. You must use all of your benefits by that time or you’ll lose whatever’s left.
If your service ended on or after January 1, 2013, your benefits won’t expire thanks to a law called the Forever GI Bill - Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act.
How do I get these benefits?
You’ll need to apply.
The benefit amount depends on which school you go to, how much active-duty service you’ve had since September 10, 2001, and how many credits or training hours you’re taking.
Note: If you use Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits, you’ll need to verify your enrollment every month to keep getting a monthly housing allowance or kicker payments.
Learn how to verify your enrollment for Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits
How do I know how much of my Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits are left?
If you already applied for and were awarded Post-9/11 GI Bill education benefits, your GI Bill Statement of Benefits will show you how much of your benefits you’ve used and how much you have left to use.
Can my family members or I get any additional benefits through the Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33)?
You may qualify for these additional benefits:
- If you need more money to cover higher private-school or out-of-state tuition, you can apply for the Yellow Ribbon Program.
Learn about the Yellow Ribbon Program
Find a Yellow Ribbon school - If you’re a qualified service member, you can transfer all 36 months or a portion of your Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits to a spouse or child. The Department of Defense approves a transfer of benefits.
Learn about transferring Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits - If you’re the child or surviving spouse of a service member who died in the line of duty after September 10, 2001, you may qualify for the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (Fry Scholarship).
Learn more about the Fry Scholarship
How can I use my Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) benefits?
You can use your GI Bill benefits in many ways to advance your education and training.
Work toward a degree with these benefits:
- Payments to help get undergraduate and graduate degrees
- Tuition Assistance Top-Up
- Tutorial assistance
- National tests and prep courses
Train for a specific career, trade, or industry with these benefits:
- Payments to help get vocational or technical training and non-college degrees
- On-the-job training and apprenticeships
- Entrepreneurship training
- Flight training
- Licensing and certification tests and prep courses
Work while you study with these benefits:
Take classes from home with these benefits:
How does VA determine my monthly housing allowance (MHA)?
This depends on how you’re using your Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits.
Learn how we determine MHA for your educational situation
Learn how we determine your monthly payment for on-the-job training and apprenticeships
Will I get monthly housing allowance (MHA) during school breaks?
No. In 2011, Congress passed a law that prohibits VA from paying MHA during school breaks. This includes breaks between semesters, quarters, and terms. Be sure to plan ahead to cover your housing costs when school isn’t in session.
If your enrollment starts after the first of the month or ends before the last day of the month, we’ll pay you a prorated housing payment for the part of the month you’re enrolled in classes.
Note: If you’re homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, we may be able to help. Call the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans at 877-424-3838 for help 24/7. You’ll talk privately with a trained VA counselor for free.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The absence of the registration symbol ® does not constitute a waiver of VA’s trademark rights in that phrase.